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Prophetic words recieved from prophets Sylviane V, Véronique P

The first Prophetic Word is in the book of

Zechariah chapter 8 verse 20-23

20 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Many peoples - and the inhabitants of many cities will yet come - , 21 and the inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, ‘Let us go at once to entreat the Lord and seek the Lord Almighty.- I myself am going.’ 22 - And many peoples and powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord Almighty - and to entreat him.”

23 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, - ‘Let us go with you,- because we have heard that God is with you.’”

Prophetic word recieved from prophet Muriel A.

THE SECOND PROPHETIC WORDS IS THE FOLLOWING ONE Can a leopard change his spots ? Can you do good when you have the habit of doing evil? I can do it. I changed your nature During your walk in the desert, I changed your DNA that had been distorted by the earthly environment. I led you into this desert and you entered it with your fleshly attributes. I led you into the desert to enter the atmosphere of my presence. As you stripped yourself of yourself, as you emptied, , I clothed you, I filled you, I fed you. As you approached my mountain, your walk became heavier, it became more difficult, more arduous. You drank from the spring I poured into the desert This source is the source of SACRIFICE. NOW I CHANGE your carnal nature.

You are transmitters of my GLORY.

You are carriers of my GLORY ! I didn’t send you to be loved. I sent you to love. I didn’t send you to receive. I sent you to give. I didn’t send you to be comforted. I sent you to comfort I sent you to talk whether people listen to you or not.

I sent you to announce ! I sent you to denounce ! I sent you to heal ! I sent you to deliver !

I sent you to release ! I didn’t send you for yourself !

I sent you for them ! An original order has been restored Not you but them ! I sent you to bring the solution ! I sent you to enlighten ! I sent you to give flavor !

I sent you as my witnesses !

Be my light ! Be my flavor ! Be my fire ! Be in my image and in my likeness ! Go ! Spread ! Pluck ! Sow ! Plant ! Convert ! Build !

Prophetic Word recieved from Ap Maryse D

A thirsty people with different requests, A people still in fear, A people trying to let go but struggling to give up his old nature because this people has not fed the spiritual man A people with a face ravaged by tears arising from journeys of life, long journeys of life, a people A people breathless by headwinds but a people trained in the combat zone A determined people, a broken people, a people torn between the flesh and the spirit, but a people who bleed because of his love for me. Yes I will heal your wounds, I will turn your tears of suffering into cries of joy in the midst of chaos, you will shine! Your neighbors will say I want your light, you will say to them: go and get it from the bottom of your heart! They will attach themselves to you and try to reproduce what you do what you are. This is a season where your testimony will open doors and close doors. It is a season when on some rain will descend to feed fertile soils and on others there will be famine and drought. Fill your bags, your flocks, your skins with new wine, with bread that nourishes. For there comes a time, there comes a wave that will cause a surge of hunger and thirst for me. Hearts will lament saying: What is the point of living if there is no one to show us the way? My spirit in you is the solution: give them food! Rewrite the history of their lives and send them back free with the testimonies of my great kindness to them! I will lighten the yokes that have long weighed on you, I will lighten the yokes not by the strength of your works but because you have sought me with all your heart. Why do you doubt? It is not by your forces or your abilities. Is my hand too short to save? to act? why don’t you look at me? Why do you still carry in your hearts the marks of shame, of guilt? As you went on your journey, I purified by my mind, I cleansed, I made the stains of your clothes disappear. You are ready for a new season, for a new anointing has been poured upon you. Rejoice and rejoice, for I have not given you a measure of my spirit. But I poured upon each one of you, the amphora of my grace and my immense love. Not only on you but on your children! There will be a confrontation of power between the sons of the promise AND the sons of the servant! You’ve been looking for me! You hit the door! You asked for it! I let myself be found by you, I opened the door for you. I answer you: Today is the day of restoration, today is the day of reconnection! Rejoice, I repeat, rejoice! for the God of your fathers, who is also your God, is visiting you! Rejoice! for I open for you doors of abundant blessings, that you may lack nothing; But just remember the path I’ve taken you through in the last few weeks. Remember how I brought you into the desert to bring you back to me!

Remember, the Bridegroom is coming back for his Bride!

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